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Why to Obtain Certification in Supply Chain ?Gain an analytical Edge Build a Knowledge Base in Supply Chain Stand from the Crowd Best Value to Money To Gain Practical Edge Internationally Recognized Certificate Learn Supply Chain Tools & Techniques
What does the CSCM / CSCA stands for ?CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst CSCM - Certified Supply Chain Manager
What is the difference between CSCA, CSCM and CDDP ?"-- What is CSCA & what is the benefit of CSCA? It is an analytical program This program is designed to impart Supply Chain knowledge required for tactical level and participants acquire analytical skills to understand needs of end to end supply chain. -- What is CSCM & what is the benefit of CSCM? It is a strategic level program You will learn to increase the performance of your organization’s supply chain. You will be capable to develop strategies which will be aligned with your company’s short term & long term goals. You will learn to control the inventory levels of your business process because major cost lies. You will learn tools and techniques for decision making and negotiation in scouring and procurement. You gain capabilities in making sound decisions in how much to buy, when to buy & where to store. You will have expertise in capacity planning & distribution network modeling skills. Professionals gain better control over your throughput accounting. You gain capabilities to rectify bottle necks in supply chain. You will know the various methodologies and practices related to business operations. -- What Is CDDP? It is a strategic level program for Planners and Top Management You will learn "Dealing with Variability" You will know "Where to Focus First" The Challenge of MRP in Today's Environment You can compare DDMRP to Past Practices You will understand Inventory is Asset or Liability You will know importance of Buffers and How to create Buffer Profiles You will evaluate Strategic Inventory Positioning and Dynamic Adjustments You will be able to apply Demand Driven Planning You will learn Visible and Collaborative Execution and S&OP Get insight of Demand Driven Operating Model and Adaptive System
Can I take exam without completing credit hours ?No. It is mandatory to complete required credit hours of the program.
What will be the session learning hours?You have to reach venue at 8:45 AM. Session will start at 9:00 AM sharp in the morning and will be concluded at 5:00 PM in evening
What is included in the program ?Classroom instruction led by an experienced supply chain management expert. A study guide with all the slides and exercises. Classroom review of the CSCA exam. Online proctored exam. 1 Free Retake within 30 Days of the Training.
Exam Re-Take & Certification Criteria1st Attempt Onsite Online Exam will be conducted on the last day of workshop or you can make the 1st attempt via ISCEA i-proctor service within first 30 days of workshop. 2nd Retake Those professionals who will be unsuccessful in clearing the exam in first attempt, ISCEA will provide them 1st Retake of exam within 30 Days Free of Charge. 3rd Retake Those professionals who will be unsuccessful in clearing the exam in Second attempt, They have to Pay US$250 for the 2nd Retake of exam within 30 Days of the 1st Retake. Those professionals who will be unsuccessful in clearing the exam in Third attempt, They have to Pay US$250 for the 3rd Retake of exam within 30 Days of the 2nd Retake. 4th Retake Those professionals who will be unsuccessful in clearing the exam in Fourth attempt, They have to Pay US$250 for the 4th Retake of exam & wait for 180 Days in-order to reappear in the Exam. Successful candidates will be awarded with the internationally recognized certification from ISCEA USA and they can use the acronym of CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst after their names. ​ Electronic Certificates will be provided to the successful candidates along with Certification ID , If they wish to get the hard copy of the certificate than shipping charged will be applied which have to be paid by the certificate holder or either they can contact the relevant ISCEA Authorized Knowledge Partner in their region regarding the availability of the hard copy of the certificate Free of Charge.
What is included in the fee ?IISB Accredited Certification Exam Workshop course material Lunch/refreshments at the hotel during the workshop sessions. 1 free retake (if applicable) Certificate from ISCEA WHQ
Does the fee also include travel and lodging?The Fee covers following, else to be managed by the candidates: Training workshop Course material Exam & 1 free re-take Certificate
Is Tax included in the mentioned fee ?No. Fees are exclusive of taxes. Taxes apply additionally , if applied in your region.
What happens after I deposit the fee ?Once you have made the payment, we will send you the registration confirmation within 24 to 48 hours.
Can I pay in installments or after the program ?No. fee must be paid once and should be paid before the program date.
Can I do CSCA / CSCM program online?CSCA is available online. Once you pay the fee for CSCA, we will give you access to 16 online session recordings which will be valid for 30 days, you will get e-course book via email . 2 practice online exams are included. Once you are ready, you should book the exam online from our website or notify by email to Global Desk and register for i-proctor exam. You have to make sure that you have computer / laptop with webcam and good internet connectivity.
What will be the exam about ?Exam will be online and will come from the training material which will be discussed during preparation classes. Theme of the exam is multiple choice questions. You have to secure minimum 70% correct answers Example : CSCA exam consists of 100 MCQs from which you have to secure minimum 70% correct answers i.e. 70 correct answers. CSCM exam consists of 200 MCQs from which you have to secure minimum 70% correct answers i.e. 140 correct answers.
When will be the result announced ?As the exams are CBT, Computer Based Testing, you will get the result immediately. Successful candidates will be awarded with the internationally recognized certification from ISCEA USA and they can use the acronym of CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst after their names.
When certificate will be given ?Successful candidates will be awarded with the internationally recognized certification from ISCEA USA and they can use the acronym of CSCA - Certified Supply Chain Analyst after their names. ​ Electronic Certificates will be provided to the successful candidates along with Certification ID , If they wish to get the hard copy of the certificate than shipping charged will be applied which have to be paid by the certificate holder or either they can contact the relevant ISCEA Authorized Knowledge Partner in their region regarding the availability of the hard copy of the certificate Free of Charge.
What is the validity of the certificate ?ISCEA Certification is valid upto 3 years.
How can I renew my certification ?Please review the section Maintain My Certification Click Here
How can employers verify their employees’ certifications ?Please review the section verify certification Click Here
Who gives out the Exam and the Certification ?ISCEA (International Supply Chain Education Alliance) is the owner and operator of this Exam and Certification.
Does industry recognize these certifications ?ISCEA members hold mid to upper supply chain management positions in Global 2000 companies.
What is the acceptance of these programs in EMEA region ?Yes, both certifications are highly recognized in Europe , Middle East and Africa. In Saudi Arabia, ISCEA programs are additionally recognized by Council of Saudi Chambers and are well offered by council to the Saudi professionals. CSCA program is recognized and offered by South African Apics & Jordan Apics. Companies like Samsung, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations World Food Program (UNWFP), Saudi Arabian Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), Saudi Aramco, Equate Petrochemical, Tamer Group, IMC, Saudi Telecom Company (STC) DP World, prefer to get their professionals certified from ISCEA.
Would I get any benefit on Job after doing Certification ?As ISCEA is one of the recognized accreditation bodies around the world. Employers requested ISCEA for the recommendation of professionals to meet supply chain challenges round the year
Does doing Certification give me any competitive advantage over other candidates in a recruitment process ?Certified Professionals, with relevant educational qualification along with practical experience, have the ability to overcome day to day supply chain challenges and resolving challenges as per best of their industry exposure and skills sets. Employers give preference to certified professionals over non certified professionals in recruitment process.
Why should organizations ask their employees to acquire these credentials ?If your company working on: Business process improvement Capacity expansion ERP Implementation Members of cross functional teams Expansion of warehouses, retail & distribution channels. New product and services development and increasing SKUs. Synchronizing demand & supply planning New projects initialization.
Is there any Self Study Exam Preparation Material ?No, ISCEA provide the workshop & exam preparation material of program at day 1 of workshop.
Is the CSCA / CSCM Exam computer based ?Yes, the CSCA / CSCM Programs exams are computer based.
Is there any ISCEA Recommended Self Study Books for CSCM or CSCA exams ?Yes. Here are the Recommended Self Study books. These books are available at ISCEA Book Store and any leading Book seller in your area. Supply Chain Management, Second Edition by Sunil Chopra, Peter Meindl, for advanced undergraduate and MBA courses in Supply Chain Management. This book brings together the strategic role of the supply chain, key strategic drivers of supply chain performance, and the tools and techniques for supply chain analysis. Every chapter gives suggestions that managers can use in practice and all methodologies are illustrated with an application in Excel. Fully updated material keeps the book on the forefront of supply chain management. Distribution networks (Chapter 4); Sourcing (Chapter 13), discusses different sourcing activities including supplier assessment, supplier contracts, design collaboration, and procurement; Price and revenue management (Chapter 15); Early coverage of designing the supply chain network-after developing a strategic framework, readers can discuss supply chain network design in Chapters 5 and 6 and then move on to demand, supply, inventory, and transportation planning; Information Technology in the Supply Chain (Chapter 17), for business professionals managing the supply chain. Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Management, by David L. Taylor & David Brunt. This book explains both the theory and the practical application of the 'lean' approach to manufacturing operations and supply chain management. Includes practical case studies which illustrate the theory presented, dealing with every aspect of the supply chain. For students in logistics, operations management, or supply chain management. Necessary but Not Sufficient by Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Eli Schragenheim, Carol A. Ptak. After reading the newspapers and following the sharp oscillations of the stock market, it becomes apparent that hi-tech companies are of a different breed. Never before have the chances of making a fortune been so realistic and never before have large companies been so fragile. What is really going on inside these hi-tech companies? What types of pressures and challenges are they facing? And how do they cope? Computer software providers, especially the ones that specialize in handling the data needs of organizations, are prime examples of these volatile companies. In the nineties we witnessed their growth from small businesses into multi-billion dollar giants. No wonder investors were attracted. In 1998 it was easy for such companies to raise as much money as they wanted. World Class Supply Management by David N. Burt, Donald W Dobler, Stephen Starling. The best-selling textbook in purchasing and supply management through several editions, this book presents a practical framework for students to apply how firms actually manage the enterprise wide functions of purchasing and supply in today's business environment. This edition represents a complete and thorough revision of the book, now explaining purchasing and supply management in the context of the supply chain, which has begun to dominate the literature in the field. World Class Supply Management: The Key to Supply Chain Management, Seventh Edition, reflects that change in focus, right down to the title (formerly called, more traditionally, Purchasing and Supply Management; now with the subtitle that specifically references the book's increased focus on supply-chain issues). New chapters have been added to the beginning and end of the text, to frame the new discussion of supply chain issues. The book has also been thoroughly updated to reflect the realities of purchasing and supply management in the digital age. Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Production Speed by Michael L. George Introduction to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Management System by Jr, Thomas B. McMullen "The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a science of management..."
If my question is not in this list, whom should I contact ?"You can contact us by filling the contact us form or you can email us at
How are these programs compared to programs offered by some other knowledge bodies?You can find detailed comparison between ISCEA’s programs and other programs from the link given link :
Questions about online coursesWill my certificate mention that I took the course in "online" mode? No. In both course modalities, face-to-face or online, the same international certification exam is presented. Therefore, it is not indicated in the certificate which was the modality of the course you took. Are there start and end dates for an online course? How long is the course? If there are start and end dates. With some exceptions, the courses last 3 weeks and there are daily activities. Is the content of the online course different from the content of the "face-to-face" course? No, the contents are the same. The face-to-face course can be taken in a week because the full days are dedicated to it. On the other hand, the online course lasts three weeks because they dedicate 2 to 3 hours a day. What happens if I stay with a question or do not understand a topic? The tutor is available to answer questions, either through the discussion forums or messages sent privately. Do I need to buy books or additional materials for the course? No, in each subject the complementary material required to deepen more is provided. These materials documents or entire chapters of books.
Can I pay if I do not have a PayPal Account?Yes
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